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多年来,苏州茂海公司与DMT公司紧密合作,共同致力于其全系高科技产品在中国区市场的应用推广和技术支持。欢迎广大用户来电咨询。Tel: 0512-66186799, 18014004699, QQ: 595348090

GYROMAT - Gyroscope 全自动精密陀螺仪 @by DMT/苏州茂海

GYROMAT 3000 / 5000陀螺仪 >>

The most accurate north-seeking precision-surveying gyroscope in the World

The GYROMAT instrument series is a range of high precision surveying gyroscopes with band suspension, which are the result of more than 60-years of experience in the development and manufacture of gyroscopic measuring instruments. The fully automatic measuring procedure and measurement technique that have no preliminary orientation provide the greatest accuracy in determining direction in those areas in which other methods cannot be efficiently used, for example in mining and tunnelling.

GYROMAT 5000陀螺仪 >>

The GYROMAT 5000 is the latest product for high precision direction measurement with an accuracy of 0.8/1000th gon, which corresponds to a deviation in arc of about 1.2 cm over a distance of one kilometer. The time needed for measuring a single direction is only about 6 to 9 minutes. The new piezo drive with a high resolution angle encoder and the new energy concept with a reliable energy storage system and replaceable battery make the system faster, more reliable and easier to maintain. The option to add a theodolite or a total station as required enables the instrument to be used universally for geodetic applications or control work, for example direction measurements under the surface in tunnel surveying or in metrology applications for determination of the geographical north direction.

  • Utmost accuracy
  • Shorter measuring time
  • Fully automatic measurement
  • No pre-alignment necessary
  • Individual theodolite mounting
  • Spare battery

Special Design Features:

  • Ergonomic design with rechargeable battery
  • More precise piezoelectric drive with high resolution angle encoder
  • Gyro measuring system with a reliable intermediate energy storage system
  • Wireless remote control and data transfer via Bluetooth®
  • Wired interfaces (USB / RS- 232) for control and data transfer
  • Menu-driven measuring sequence
  • Advanced monitoring

GYROMAT-3000全自动精密陀螺仪 来自德国DMT公司, 它可给出与地球磁场无关的十分精确的测量结果。在其内部,悬挂随机快速旋钮陀螺,由于陀螺本身自转、地球重力和地球自传的结果,而围绕北向振荡。根据这个振荡,特殊的扫描系统能完全自动地并以很高的精度(1/1000哥恩或1.5cm/km)定出指北方向。定方向所花费的时间约9分钟。 
技术指标测量模式 A B C 
测量精度(哥恩) 1(3*) 5 10 
测量时间(分) 9 5 2 
单独测量次数 20 30 40 
操作温度 -20oCbis+50oC 
操作范围 到纬度80度 
GYROMAT-2000 重16公斤 
带经纬仪 215mm中心系统 
运输箱 重9公斤 
三角架 重9公斤,直径300mm 
● 在单元内有高集成度的记忆装置,可记忆20-40个测量结果   
        ● 有两个串行接口连接数字储存器和电子光学经纬仪   
        ● 专用的光学经纬仪设备     
        ● 综合性的测量功能     
        ● 中间值和检查结果输出,标定常数控制输出,存储量显示   
        ● 目标设置自动评估,方位自动输出     
        ● 双操纵台     
        ● 菜单控制测量过程     
        ● 综合性备件     
        ● 很高的测量精度     
        ● 很短的测量时间     
        ● 完全自动化的测量过程     
        ● 集成式的测量数据记忆     
        ● 不需初始定向     
        ● 集成式的测量程序     
        ● 特殊的光学经纬仪     
        ● 操作非常方便     
        ● 最佳价格/性能比

GYROMAT 3000陀螺仪 >>

The GYROMAT 3000 has for many years been a reliable instrument for measuring directions with an accuracy of 1/1000th gon, which corresponds to a deviation in arc of about 1.6 cm over a distance of one kilometer. The time needed for measuring a single direction is about 10 minutes. This time can be reduced by applying two other survey programs with reduced measuring accuracy. The option to add a theodolite or a total station as required enables the instrument to be used universally for geodetic applications or control work, for example direction measurements under the surface in tunnel surveying or in metrology applications for determination of the geographical north direction.

  • Maximum measuring accuracy
  • Fast and fully automatic measurement sequence
  • No need for pre-orientation
  • Customer defined total station or theodolite set up

Special Design Features

  • Ergonomically designed instrument with integrated batteries
  • Three serial interfaces (RS 232) to connect to a PC, a total station or other devices
  • Wireless remote control and data transmission via Bluetooth®
  • Two operation panels with integrated multiline display and keyboard
  • Menu-controlled, interactive operation
  • Integrated monitoring plus comprehensive history and help functions

关键词:GYROMAT 5000陀螺仪GYROMAT 3000陀螺仪

版权所有:苏州茂海机电设备有限公司 | 地址:中国 江苏省苏州工业园区君地大厦25层
TEl: +86-512-67901870 FAX: +86-512-82175150 MAIL: 备案号: 技术支持:拾久科技